I am a licensed psychotherapist (LMFT). I hold a BA in Sociology and MA in Counseling Psychology with a concentration in Somatic Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies. I am trained in Accelerated Dynamic Experiential Psychotherapy (AEDP) which is an emotion focused experiential psychotherapy based in attachment theory. AEDP is model where the therapist takes an active role in supporting new client-therapist experiences to help facillitate healthy attachment and address issues of trauma, suffering, loss, and ruptured/damaged attachments effectively and compassionately.

I am also trained in various somatic therapies including Sensorimotor Psychotherapy a somatic approach for the treatment of trauma. Additionally I have training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialetical Behavioral Therapy, Compassion Focused Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing. I draw from the work of Internal Family Systems, Psychodynamic and existential approaches. I engage in regular professional consultation to support what I consider a corner stone of healing work: the process of differentiation.

I’m committed to providing therapy that supports your sense of wholeness which includes, your body, spirit, sexuality, cultural identity and all which what makes you, you. I have training in clinical health care and sex positive therapy from TASHRA Alternative Sexualities Health Research Alliance and South Shore Sexual Health Center.

I am an educator and regularly provide trainings to clinicians at universities such as UCSF and CIIS to educate providers on how to provide affirming care for diverse sexualities and relationship structures such as polyamory and alternative consensual sexual practices. I provide trainings to psychiatry residents on evidenced based, compassionate and collaborative approaches to caring for indviduals who hear voices and/or experience variant perceptual states.

My spiritual background is informed by 20+ years of practice in meditative traditions. I am a dedicated movement and visual artist. I have a long standing practice in contemporary dance, yoga and somatic modalities and I studied Japanese Butoh for 9 years, which is a movement art form rooted in estoeric embodiment and meditative traditions and existential inquiry.

Professional Affiliations:

Kink Aware Proffessionals

Bay Area Open Minds

AEDP Institute
